Hans-Martin Viering
Deutscher Patentanwalt, European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Of Counsel
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: mviering@vjp.de
Rolf Jentschura
Deutscher Patentanwalt, European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Managing Partner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: rjentschura@vjp.de
Adam Bogsch
Deutscher Patentanwalt, European Patent Attorney, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Singapore Patent Attorney, Hungarian Patent Attorney, Managing Partner
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: abogsch@vjp.com.sg
Armin Kühn
Deutscher Patentanwalt, European Patent Attorney, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Partner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: akuehn@vjp.de
Eric-Michael Dokter
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: edokter@vjp.de
Dr. Michael Bergmann
Tel: +49 211 9843730E-Mail: mbergmann@vjp.de
Björn Sommer
Deutscher Patentanwalt, European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Partner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: bsommer@vjp.de
Simon Schilcher
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: sschilcher@vjp.de
Dr. Thorsten Volkmann
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: tvolkmann@vjp.de
Pascal Rath
Rechtsanwalt, Certified IP Lawyer, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Partner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: prath@vjp.de
Jörg Wahl
Rechtsanwalt, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, Partner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: jwahl@vjp.de
Dr. Christian Isaila
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: cisaila@vjp.de
Benjamin von Rueden
US Patent Attorney, US Attorney at Law, US Patent Agent, Partner
Tel: +49 351 656830E-Mail: bvonrueden@vjp.de
Kwang Chin Teo
Singapore Patent Attorney, Partner
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: kcteo@vjp.com.sg
Chung Min Kwan
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: cmkwan@vjp.com.sg
Kornelia Ihle
Deutsche Patentanwältin, European Patent Attorney, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Partner
Tel: +49 351 656830E-Mail: kihle@vjp.de
Audrey Goh
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: agoh@vjp.com.sg
Jaslyn Lim
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: jaslynlim@vjp.com.sg
Dr. Sabine Mengel
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: smengel@vjp.de
Dr. Tilo Hoppe
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: thoppe@vjp.de
Dr. Michael Koch
Australian Patent and Trade Mark Attorney, New Zealand Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, registered in the Registry of Singapore Patent Attorneys, Partner (VJP LLP, Singapore)
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: mkoch@vjp.de
Fabian Bachl
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: fbachl@vjp.de
Timo Dauner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: tdauner@vjp.de
Peter Zedlitz
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: pzedlitz@vjp.de
Gerald Koh
Singapore Advocate and Solicitor, Singapore Patent Attorney, Admitted to the Bar of England & Wales, Partner
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: gk@vjp.com.sg
Dr. Tim Pust
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: tpust@vjp.de
Dr. Philipp Roesle
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: proesle@vjp.de
Dr. Christoph Schnarr
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: cschnarr@vjp.de
Dr. Uli Foerstl, LL.M. (Univ. of Cape Town)
Rechtsanwalt, Certified IP Lawyer, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, Partner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: ufoerstl@vjp.de
Burak Eren
European Patent Attorney, Partner
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: beren@vjp.de
Brian Jones
Tel: +49 351 656830E-Mail: bjones@vjp.de
Dr. Liu Yan
Singapore Patent Attorney, Chinese Patent Attorney (derzeit nicht zur Vertretung in China registriert), Partner
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: liuyan@vjp.com.sg
Areum Kim
Singapore Patent Attorney, Korean Patent Attorney, Partner
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: akim@vjp.com.sg
Dr. Clemens Gillen
Tel: +49 211 9843730E-Mail: cgillen@vjp.de
Konrad Bumes
European Patent Attorney, Of Counsel
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: kbumes@vjp.de
Marco Ruggiu
Consultant (Of Counsel)
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: mruggiu@vjp.de
Philipp Mehler
European Patent Attorney, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, Senior Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: pmehler@vjp.de
Dr. Charlotte Rist
Deutsche Patentanwältin, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Senior Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: crist@vjp.de
Robert Bilotta
US Patent Attorney, US Attorney at Law, US Patent Agent, Senior Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: rbilotta@vjp.de
Kathrin Tourneur
Rechtsanwältin, Senior Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: ktourneur@vjp.de
Dr. Matthäus Bartsch
Deutscher Patentanwalt, European Patent Attorney, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Senior Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: mbartsch@vjp.de
Youngjin Shin
European Patent Attorney, Senior Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: yshin@vjp.de
Samuel Lo
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: slo@vjp.de
Kenny Chua
Singapore Patent Attorney, Senior Associate
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: kchua@vjp.com.sg
Sabrina Gebele, LL.M. (Univ. of Dundee)
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: sgebele@vjp.de
Stefano Rampini, Ph.D.
Tel: +49 351 656830E-Mail: srampini@vjp.de
Melissa Long
Singapore Patent Attorney, Associate
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: mlong@vjp.com.sg
Rebecca Rückert
Deutsche Patentanwältin, European Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: rrueckert@vjp.de
Lara Kern
Deutsche Patentanwältin, European Patent Attorney, Representative before the Unified Patent Court, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Senior Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: lkern@vjp.de
Dr. Alexander Bourgund
Deutscher Patentanwalt, European Trademark Attorney, European Design Attorney, Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: abourgund@vjp.de
Xiying Du
Chinese Patent Attorney (currently not registered to practice in China), Associate
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: xdu@vjp.com.sg
Yangjin Li
European Patent Attorney, Associate
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: yli@vjp.de
Zheng Pei
Singapore Trademark Agent
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: zhengpei@vjp.com.sg
Alex Hilton
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: ahilton@vjp.com.sg
Andreas Zepper
Patent Engineer
Tel: +49 351 656830E-Mail: azepper@vjp.de
Dr. Katrin Blüchel
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: kbluechel@vjp.com.sg
Nicholas Chow
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: nchow@vjp.com.sg
Laurent Ruggiu
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: lruggiu@vjp.de
Dr. Tan Bing-Shi Ariel
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: atan@vjp.com.sg
Sandra Lynn Merinda
Design Expert
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: smerinda@vjp.com.sg
Dr. Alexander Hilla
Tel: +49 211 9843730E-Mail: ahilla@vjp.de
Hayley Lau
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: hlau@vjp.com.sg
Zhangxing Lai
Tel: +65 63349411E-Mail: zlai@vjp.com.sg
Katsura Nishinoue
Liaison Manager Japan
Tel: +49 89 2106970E-Mail: knishinoue@vjp.de
Asling Tsai
Taiwan Representative
Tel: +886 2 23122108E-Mail: vjp-tw@vjp.com.tw